Thursday, August 28, 2008

Simon the Healthy Eater

I've always been pleased with my boys' appetites and their willingness to eat healthy food. That being said, they ARE still little boys who would much prefer a hot dog slathered in ketchup than broccoli any day.

But then came Simon.

The other day I made him lunch of peanut butter and jelly, chips, fruit and milk.

I made myself a veggie wrap filled with alfalfa sprouts, hummus, cucumbers and red bell peppers all wrapped in a spinach wrap.

Simon began gesturing that he wanted what I had, so I thought, sure I'll let him taste it, it's not like he'll want it.

Little booger ate the entire thing.

Now as we all know kids are unpredictable and I truly thought this was simply a coincidental moment that he decided he'd eat such a grown-up lunch.

Well, as of now, Simon gets his own veggie wrap full of all of the aforementioned ingredients and chows down!!!

I took pictures as evidence!


Anonymous said...

S-S-S are blessed to have you for their MOM ... Dad & I are so proud of you & them as if you didn't know

Our little family ... said...

I can't believe he preferred the veggie wrap over pb&j!! now that's amazing:) All your boys are getting SO big! And cute as pie they are:)

Ham Fam said...

I love it!!!!! Too stinkin' cute!!!!!!! Way to go big boy!!!!