Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Night at the Fields

Every Monday and Wednesday night we head out to they YMCA fields for Sean and Seth's soccer games.

This past Monday they each had a game, as Sean's team had a make-up game from a previous rainout.

It is so fun to watch them play. Sean has really started to understand the game this year and it's amazing to me his ability to anticipate what is going to happen.

He has scored a goal in almost all of the games which is exciting, but for me the best part is seeing his confidence and knowledge of the sport.

Seth, on the other hand, is just learning. Try to imagine 5 three year olds chasing after one soccer ball. It is cute and absolutely frustrating to watch. They do not get the concept of spreading out and passing the ball.

Kelly coaches both of their teams and I am on the sidelines trying to take pictures and keep Simon from running onto the field!!!!!

what more could anyone ask for?

1 comment:

Ham Fam said...

how fun that daddy coaches both teams! that is fun memories!
i love the picture of them both on the field with their backs to the camera- walking away holding hands. adorable! :)
i can tell you are a proud mama- and rightfully so! :)