Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Super Seth"

We came home from dropping Sean at school, and I headed into the bedrooms to make the beds and clean up from the morning chaos.

I returned to the family room to a VERY proud Seth.
And, rightfully so.

He is a gem!!!

Brotherly Love

Sean and Simon were up early this morning and while I made breakfasts and packed Sean's lunch, Sean, being the wonderful big brother that he is, was entertaining Simon by showing him "Curious George" on the computer. They were laughing and having a grand ol' time.
This was the super cute view from my kitchen.
I'm a lucky girl!!

Simon the Healthy Eater

I've always been pleased with my boys' appetites and their willingness to eat healthy food. That being said, they ARE still little boys who would much prefer a hot dog slathered in ketchup than broccoli any day.

But then came Simon.

The other day I made him lunch of peanut butter and jelly, chips, fruit and milk.

I made myself a veggie wrap filled with alfalfa sprouts, hummus, cucumbers and red bell peppers all wrapped in a spinach wrap.

Simon began gesturing that he wanted what I had, so I thought, sure I'll let him taste it, it's not like he'll want it.

Little booger ate the entire thing.

Now as we all know kids are unpredictable and I truly thought this was simply a coincidental moment that he decided he'd eat such a grown-up lunch.

Well, as of now, Simon gets his own veggie wrap full of all of the aforementioned ingredients and chows down!!!

I took pictures as evidence!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Amazing Structures

Sean and Seth love to build thing together. I love that they play together so nicely and are always very encouraging of one another. They really are the best of friends already!

Sean asked me to take some pictures of the things they built this summer, primarily the train tracks. Please know that those were all built completely on their own. Not one ounce of adult input.

I think it's pretty impressive.

Let the games begin!

School started today. It was not easy getting them moving first thing this morning, but once they were moving it was a great morning. Sean and Seth were very excited to be in there new classes and see all their friends.

The school is set up that all the preschool classes and Kindergarten are on one side of the campus, seperated by offices and the library. The other side of the campus houses first through fifth grade. Needless to say that made it very real for Sean that this is "real school".

Those of you out there with tiny babies, (you know who you are) take it all in. It goes by so very quickly!!
(p.s. someone please tell me how to flip these pictures around)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Making a comeback

I know it has literally been a year since I was last active in posting entries on this blog, and frankly I don't know why I stopped.
I am going to do my best to keep up with it, as I think it is a great way to keep friends and family informed of what's going on in my busy life with three little boys. I also feel that it truly enhances relationships with loved ones.

This past weekend my Mom and Dad ( Mimi and Papa) came up. They were the surprise babysitters for the weekend. The boys were ecstatic! Kelly and I attended a fund raiser that had activities Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night. Kelly was also "required" to golf on Friday and Saturday. ;)

Needless to say the boys had a blast. Sean and Seth each got a pet fish. We'll see how that goes. They played with the new wood blocks that Papa brought from his trip to Ohio. They built cities and farms.
They are busy and precious.

School starts on Wednesday. Tomorrow is their open house. I cannot believe I have a first grader!!!!
He has kept up with his math and reading this summer.
He has read all 30 books that were "suggested" without any complaints.
I took the liberty of giving him math sheets 2 to 3 times per week. Again, no complaining. He is a bright kid and loves to learn.
Seth asks for "homework" too, so I do my best to keep him busy while Sean does his work. Seth will be in pre2, which is his second year of preschool. He'll go M, W, F.

Simon is 18months now and into absolutely EVERYTHING. He climbs, he runs, he throws balls. Nothing but boy!!! I love it!

I am so blessed to have 3 BEAUTIFUL, healthy and loving little boys.
I look forward to sharing them with you.